
Videeo Mobile App

Transform your Shopify store into an interactive shopping space, integrating live commerce, video replays, and real-time customer engagement right on your customers' smartphones.


Popclips - Shoppable Video PDPs

Enhance product description pages on your website and mobile app with picture in picture shoppable videos


Popclips - Shoppable Video on Mobile App

seamlessly integrated into a scrollable feed on your mobile app, enhancing product discovery and purchase directly from the video.


Popclips - Shoppable Video Carousel on Web

Showcase a carousel of shoppable video clips directly on your website, turning each viewer's visit into an interactive shopping experience.


Popclips - Shoppable Video Embed

Embed shoppable videos anywhere on your website, enhancing the shopping experience with interactive, purchasable content right where your customers browse.


Live Selling and Replay on Mobile App

Experience live and replay sessions directly through the Videeo mobile app


Live Selling and Replays on Web

Stream current live events and host replay sessions directly on the live shopping page of your Shopify website